Physicians Helping Attorneys
Welcome to the Physicians Helping Attorneys Helping People podcast! You know injured people need all the help they can get. Listen to Drs. Armin Feldman and Mike Bummer talk about the new medical sub-specialty of Medical/Legal Consulting and get a competitive advantage in your PI and Workers Comp cases. Armin and Mike will help you better understand the medicine in your cases, maximize settlement amounts and get the appropriate medical care for your clients in this entertaining and lively podcast. Contact Us For A Free Case Consultation:
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
When A Case Isn’t A Case? Medical Malpractice Merit Analysis
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Mike and Armin each discuss a case in which they were asked to do a Standard of Care Review and give an opinion if there was merit to pursue a medical malpractice case. Both cases had some interesting, complicated and sad medical issues. In both situations both Mike and Armin came to the opinion that the standard of care was met and advised their attorneys not to pursue the case. This helped the clients process what happened, saved the attorney time, money and aggravation and helped the doctors to avoid unwarranted litigation.
Have a potential case to discuss? Question about our services? We are committed to maximizing case value, saving attorney time, and we do it without breaking the bank.
1. Call us directly anytime: 1-800-208-51382. Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call: Visit our website:
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Rear-End Auto Accidents and How Medical-Legal Consultants Are Helping
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Rear-end auto accidents represent one of the most common cases in which our attorney clients are involved. Mike and Armin have consulted on hundreds of these cases. In this episode they discuss some of the medical journal articles they commonly use in reports to give attorneys the medical evidence they need to prove up their medical theories concerning client injuries in these frequent rear-end cases.
Have a potential case to discuss? Question about our services? We are committed to maximizing case value, saving attorney time, and we do it without breaking the bank.
1. Call us directly anytime: 1-800-208-51382. Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call: Visit our website:
Thursday May 25, 2023
Invisible Wounds: PTSD and Personal Injury
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
Mike and Armin talk about how Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be a missed or “invisible” medical damage in PI or Worker Comp injuries. Mike talks about a case in which PTSD was initially missed as part of the traumatic injuries and Armin discusses a case in which PTSD was complicated by the circumstances surrounding the accident itself.
Have a potential case to discuss? Question about our services? We are committed to maximizing case value, saving attorney time, and we do it without breaking the bank.
1. Call us directly anytime: 1-800-208-51382. Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call: Visit our website:
Friday May 12, 2023
The Most Common Questions We Hear From New Attorneys
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
Mike and Armin have done hundreds of initial meetings with attorneys wanting to know more about Medical/Legal Consulting. Get some insight into how physicians and attorneys work together as Mike & Armin answer the common questions they are consistently asked in almost every one of these initial meetings. For instance, why should the I use a Medical/Legal Consultant instead of a medical expert, why spend the money on a Medical Consultant when I don’t have that expense now and much more.
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Mike & Armin are pleased to have Barbara Furutani, J.D. as a guest on this episode. This episode is a must for attorneys representing injured clients and anyone wanting insight into injury cases. Armin has worked as a Medical/Legal Consultant for Barb and her firm for several years. Barb has practiced Workers Comp, Personal Injury and Social Security law for many years and is well-known and respected for representing Claimants injured on the job. We discuss how Ms. Furutani has worked with Armin over the years helping her to optimize her case results.
Have a potential case to discuss? Question about our services? We are committed to maximizing case value, saving attorney time, and we do it without breaking the bank.
1. Call us directly anytime: 1-800-208-51382. Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call: Visit our website:
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
How Doctors Are Learning Medical-Legal Consulting and Armin’s Conference
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Mike and Armin discuss the training that physicians go through to become Medical/Legal Consultants. Armin has been training physicians to do this specific kind of consulting for attorneys for about 14 years. Armin discusses his one year training program as well as his various conferences and courses for physicians. The episode gives attorneys, physicians and other listeners insight into what’s involved in learning this new field of medicine.
Have a potential case to discuss? Question about our services? We are committed to maximizing case value, saving attorney time, and we do it without breaking the bank.
1. Call us directly anytime: 1-800-208-51382. Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call: Visit our website:
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Sustained At Work (With A Twist)
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Armin and Mike discuss a case of Armin’s in which a man was struck in the head by a falling object resulting in the attorney’s client being diagnosed with a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Opposing counsel argued that this man’s pre-existing coronary artery disease, heart attack and subsequent coronary bypass surgery was the cause of his cognitive and other problems. Armin and Mike tease out the medical issues and medical evidence in the case and Mike talks about how our use of verbatim medical records in the report helped to refute & disprove opposing counsel’s theory for the case.
Have a potential case to discuss? Question about our services? We are committed to maximizing case value, saving attorney time, and we do it without breaking the bank.
1. Call us directly anytime: 1-800-208-51382. Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call: Visit our website:
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Get an intimate look at how doctors and attorneys can seamlessly work together. Mike and Armin discuss the many and varied relationships they have with their individual attorney clients. Their goal is to establish mutually beneficial & profitable long-term relationships with attorney clients. Mike and Armin work hard to become part of the attorney’s team, even if only called in on an as needed basis. They talk about blending into each attorney’s routine handling of cases & work flow and discuss how they often are part of the solution to the settlement.
Have a potential case to discuss? Question about our services? We are committed to maximizing case value, saving attorney time, and we do it without breaking the bank.
1. Call us directly anytime: 1-800-208-51382. Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call: Visit our website:
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Mike and Armin welcome their first guest, Dr. David Grundy, to the podcast. David is based in California and discusses a fascinating auto crash case with a couple of really unique twists. First, Dr. Grundy’s report was required just 6 days after he got the case for review. Also, opposing counsel and doctors were trying to prove their theory that the client’s very serious problems from the crash were not accident-related which seemed far-fetched based on the fact pattern and evidence from the medical literature that David beautifully lays out.
Have a potential case to discuss? Question about our services? We are committed to maximizing case value, saving attorney time, and we do it without breaking the bank.
1. Call us directly anytime: 1-800-208-51382. Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call: Visit our website:
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
In Part 2 of this topic, Mike and Armin bring up numerous attributes that differentiate a Medical/Legal Consultant from a treating doctor or medical expert in legal cases and how these differences help attorneys and their clients achieve better settlements and get needed medical care for clients. In this Part 2 they discuss the specific language used in reports, ADLs, opinions within a reasonable degree of medical certainty/probability, and much more.
Have a potential case to discuss? Question about our services? We are committed to maximizing case value, saving attorney time, and we do it without breaking the bank.
1. Call us directly anytime: 1-800-208-51382. Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call: Visit our website:
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Mike and Armin discuss what differentiates a Medical/Legal Consultant from a treating doctor or medical expert in legal cases and how these differences help attorneys and their clients achieve better settlements and get needed medical care for clients. In this Part 1, they discuss the Thin Skull rule, and how Medical/Legal Consultants need to understand certain aspects of the law and as well as how attorneys approach cases.
Have a potential case to discuss? Question about our services? We are committed to maximizing case value, saving attorney time, and we do it without breaking the bank.
1. Call us directly anytime: 1-800-208-51382. Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call: Visit our website:
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Waddell’s Signs, Are They Legit? Deep Dive Into A Slip and Fall IME Rebuttal Report
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Mike and Armin discuss one of Armin’s case’s involving a slip and fall. The accident happened at work and so it became a Work Comp case but the issues in the case apply to PI cases as well. Armin refutes the opposing doc’s use of Waddell’s signs and the doc’s opinion that the client’s injuries were not accident-related.
Have a potential case to discuss? Question about our services? We are committed to maximizing case value, saving attorney time, and we do it without breaking the bank.
1. Call us directly anytime: 1-800-208-51382. Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call: Visit our website:
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
IME Observation and Rebuttal Reports Are A Game-Changer
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Mike and Armin take a deep dive into IME observation and Mike interviews Armin concerning a recent IME he observed. They then discuss the IME Rebuttal Report written by Armin that helped the attorney help their client get needed ongoing treatment reinstated after it was denied due to the IME report.
Have a potential case to discuss? Question about our services? We are committed to maximizing case value, saving attorney time, and we do it without breaking the bank.
1. Call us directly anytime: 1-800-208-51382. Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call: Visit our website:
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Two Common Injuries Are Discussed And How We Maximize Their Value
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Mike & Armin shake things up a little and talk about a couple of commonly seen injuries instead of discussing a specific case. Mike discusses common injuries and approaches to shoulder injuries. Armin talks about Temporo-mandibular Joint Disorder which in not an uncommon injury often seen in auto accidents, work-related injuries and other kinds of PI cases. They discuss the concept of functional losses and how that relates providing a comprehensive picture of traumatic injuries.
Have a potential case to discuss? Question about our services? We are committed to maximizing case value, saving attorney time, and we do it without breaking the bank.
1. Call us directly anytime: 1-800-208-51382. Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call: Visit our website:
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Mike discusses a case in which he needed to play medical detective and sort through the medical records leading to his defining specific medical damages which were not previously clear. Mike goes on to discuss how his detective work significantly added value to the case. Armin talks about the history and development of Medical/Legal Consulting as a new field of medicine.
Have a potential case to discuss? Question about our services? We are committed to maximizing case value, saving attorney time, and we do it without breaking the bank.
1. Call us directly anytime: 1-800-208-51382. Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call: Visit our website:
Physicians Helping Attorneys (Helping People)
People injured due to negligence or work injuries need all the help they can get. There’s a new tool to help you help your clients navigate all the medical issues in your cases and maximize your settlements results.
Listen to Armin Feldman, M.D. & Mike Bummer, M.D. talk about the new medical sub-specialty of Medical/Legal Consulting and get a competitive edge in the pre-litigation/pre-trial phase of your PI and Workers Comp cases. We work on the strategic development of the medical aspects of your cases and can be the missing piece in maximizing medical damages, future medical care costs, medical theory development and much more.
We’ll help you better understand the medicine in your cases, maximize settlement amounts, get the appropriate medical care for your clients, save time and help you to make your clients whole again in an entertaining and lively podcast.
We align with your goals for injured clients, and our values parallel your principles.
We also share your passion for helping people injured due to negligence, accidents and work-related injuries.
Just like you, we want injured people treated fairly by insurance companies, employers, IME doctors & others.
Contact Us For A Free Case Consultation: